Lyndsey Ryder

Lyndsey - Petplan Equine Ambassador

We all want the best for our equine friends and for me, being insured with Petplan Equine means I do not have to worry about the cost of any unexpected veterinary fees that occurs. For that I am eternally grateful.

If plan A doesn't work out, there are still options B, C, D and E…

So I started the year with a clear plan; get qualified for the Petplan Equine Area Festivals early. Go to an early first round with a top ten place in mind. Then, if we qualify for the second rounds crack on with mediums and training. However, I also had a plan B ‘just in case’.

We picked up our third qualifying sheet at Oaklands and Max gave me a lovely ride. He even managed to draw a small crowd. The students at Oaklands always make a fuss of Max, I guess it's because he is a cheeky pony! Even a fellow competitor, a gold section rider came over to compliment him, which really put a smile on my face! I worked in alongside her in the warm-up, she looked like she barely moved and her horse just danced underneath her! Yet she noticed my plucking little pony and decided to find us after her test to compliment him. Competing can be hard and just a few nice words from a stranger really made my day. So it made me think, having horses and being competitive can be difficult, if we see somebody riding nicely or a horse producing some fabulous work, compliment the rider! They have probably been really practicing and training hard and the kind words will probably make their day.

Lyndsey and the horses
Lyndsey and Max working hard to qualify for the Petplan Equine Area Festivals

We had our three sheets! I decided we would head to Arena UK for the Petplan Equine Area Festival! I know Max well and I knew he wouldn't appreciate training day in, day out. Why would he? Max doesn't understand that ‘this show is important’ or ‘stick to the plan’. Max’s physical and mental wellbeing are very important to me, I monitor him daily and if I feel something isn't working for him, I change it. With upping our level of training in preparation for Arena UK, I knew I would have to up Max’s work outside the arena. Max loves hacking and we are fortunate to have lots of hills nearby. We also have some local gallops! The gallops are a great way to let off steam and have fun away from the dressage arena. In training we had been working on a lots of collection work and he can then become a little too collected, so the gallops help with sending him forward. He loves it and I find it helps open his paces. Plus it's off road, up a slight hill and on a surface. The perfect way to increase fitness, have fun and improve his way of going.

Lyndsey and the horses
Lyndsey and Max on the gallops!

I also mix in pole work as I find this helps with engagement and core strength, both of which we definitely need. With things moving along nicely and Max looking and feeling better than ever, I felt confident in the training. We had been having lessons with Charlie Hutton and both he and my yard owner Sally Fitzgerald had noticed an improvement in Max and I and I felt Max was definitely more consistent in the contact. Now this time last year I would've popped Max in the double bridle for competition, mainly because I felt more confident in it but now we use a snaffle in training.

Going to away shows is expensive and keeping the husband on-board can be tricky so you have to be smart! As Arena UK is miles away from us, I decided I would stay over two nights. I contacted my friend who has a livery yard 20 miles away from Arena UK and she offered us a stable for the two nights for a great price! With the money we saved on competition stabling, we booked into a luxury spa hotel! Swimming pool, sauna, hot tub, fancy food and, best of all, a comfy bed. This made my husband happy, as not only did I save £30, it also made a nice weekend for him. Family and horses is a balancing act but this was a win-win situation! What could possibly go wrong?

Max and I were due to compete on the Sunday. I also had three friends going, all competing in the bronze prelim at their first Area Festival. What I love about this series, and why I compete in this series is because it's a grand event but with a friendly vibe.

On Sunday morning, we had breakfast before heading to Max. I mucked him out then set about cleaning and plaiting him ready for the show. As I was plaiting I could see his mood change; he knew it was a show day and he was nervous! So I popped his bridle on and took him to the lunge pen. I lightly lunged him long and low, to help him relax.

Lyndsey and the horses
Lyndsey and Max dressage ready!

Once we were ready we popped him on the box and drove off to the show. My friend that owns the stables and one of her liveries left before us and once parked up, we met up for a chat, to offer advice and words of encouragement!

Time to jump on! Max can be difficult at new places and distracted in the warm-up, so I decided to pop the double on ‘just in case’. We had our tack checked and then proceeded to the warm-up. He felt lazy, not really listening, so I decided to act on that and get him switched on.

Lots of quick transitions and he was full of beans! We heard the ‘Lyndsey they are ready for you in the collecting ring’, so off we went. There was a lot to catch Max’s eye – gazebos, flowers, people – so again I asked for some quick transitions to refocus him. Then it was time. I hadn't even ridden down the first long side before the bell rang and Max felt hot! We rode through the movements but it felt a little out of control. The more he leaned, the more I tried to hold on to him. We rode the movements but we didn't manage to ride them to our best ability. As we left the ring our friends rallied round with ‘well done’ and ‘you looked great’ but I’m very critical of myself and I knew it wasn't our best. I also knew it was my fault! I should have trusted the training, I should have ridden in the snaffle, I should have gone for a cool, calm, consistent clear round. Hind sight is a wonderful thing and I kicked myself as we missed out on qualifying by 0.5 % and I absolutely know we can ride it better.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. I definitely learnt my lessons from this show and I won't let him down again.

After watching my friends compete, one of which achieved a top ten place in the bronze prelim, we headed back to the stables with Max. Once Max was fed and watered, my husband and I headed off to the hotel. A spa was definitely in order and a lovely way to relax and unwind after a show, followed by a nice dinner and a beer in the sunshine. Monday we had breakfast and refuelled before picking up Max and heading home. All in all it was a lovely weekend with great people!

But I know we now have to switch to plan B. We need to re-qualify and fast! We need more sheets and we don’t have long to get them! Time to turn up the heat and fight for another chance…