Lorna Hogg

Petplan Equine
Sponsored Rider - Lorna

Read all about what our sponsored rider has been up to in September and October.

September and October Update

September and October have flown by, the dark nights are drawing in and the clocks have changed. The weather however, in North East Scotland has not been too bad these couple of months with only a few miserable days. Clipping often starts early for us, especially if the weather is quite nice. Marco has always grown a rather dense winter coat and is much easier to manage if he is clipped. Spangle needs it less so, so has not yet been clipped but will be getting one soon (Marco will be getting his second one).

My shoulder/collar bone continues to give me a little bit of trouble, with some pain and stiffness doing certain actions but I now have physiotherapy to improve this. That said, I have been trying to continue as normal and have been to a few rides during the past two months.

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Marco and Homer preparing for their ride

Spangle got out to Bennachie on the 13th September. The route was quite challenging but it was only 30km and she had undertaken a hilly 30km two weekends previously, so I hadn�t expected us to find it as challenging as we did, possibly because it was a warm day. We completed the ride and passed the vet check without concern; a few days off afterwards (as normal) and she appeared to be none the worse for it. Onwards to Marco; he took his stable mate, Homer, out to teach him about endurance at the Mackies ride on the 27th September. Mackies are based at Westertown Farm, a 1600 acre farm in Aberdeenshire, where the wind, land and cows help produce fresh milk and power for the ice cream dairy.

The horses enjoyed their outing and Homer and his rider Dawn, will be returning to do some more rides with Grampian branch of the Scottish Endurance Riding Club (SERC). The horses passed the health check at the end and I managed to trot Marco up without falling on the tarmac like I had at the start trot up, you'd think we'd never done it before. Why could I not fall over on a grass trot up area instead though?!

I entered Marco and myself and Dawn and Homer for the last of SERC Grampians rides for the season, another pleasure ride, this time at Balmoral on the 25th October. Unfortunately Homer didn't make it along as he has had a reaction to something and has a few bumps, so Dawn borrowed Spangle for the ride. Spangle was delighted and it was great to have both horses out together again, especially as this ride was to be a very special one for Marco and I. If we completed it successfully and pass the post ride check, we'd hit the 5000km mark in our endurance career together.

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Lorna, Marco and Spangle in the grounds of Balmoral Castle

The venue was stunning, such brilliant backdrop set in the Cairngorms National Park, parked on freshly mowed lawn near the front of Balmoral Castle, sprinkles of snow on the not so distant hills, and a wee bit of sunshine trying to pop through.

We had a lovely 15km ride that started and finished through the parkland and grounds of the estate, passing the stud ponies, through some forest area and the middle section saw us out on open hill and moor.

We completed the ride and my family had come out to take pictures and join us on this special day. They have supported Marco and I through many of the 100+ rides that we have undertaken and I was so glad they could be at this one for us too. To top it all, my mother made a very special 5000km carrot cake for the helpers and organisers and us to enjoy marking this special occasion. I even managed not to cry with proudness of my special boy!

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Celebrating Marco achieving the 5000km mark for endurance riding

There are so many people who have shaped our endurance career and I thank everyone who has played a part, no matter how big or small - you all are so much appreciated.

Talking of appreciation - I hope all of you reading this have taken the opportunity to show your appreciation for your vet practice by voting for them in the Petplan Veterinary Awards? If not, please can I encourage you to do so now at www.petplanequine.co.uk/vetawards.

Endurance however has not been all that I have been up to in September and October as I volunteer with the Gordon Group of the Riding for Disabled Association (RDA). This is such a rewarding thing to do and whilst it is a tight squeeze to fit in around working full time, keeping horses on DIY livery and competition fit, it really is worth it. The development you witness is extraordinary.

Over the winter months I feel Spangle and I should get ourselves back out doing some dressage so we did the Findon Riding Club (FRC) first winter league competition on the 24th October. My nerves and tension got the better of me though and I annoyed Spangle and our canter let us down. We still had a score of 63%+ but I was disappointed. I then took her to FRC evening training during the week (that I organise) and we had a much better time and no signs of any issue in the canter. Work in progress.

Lorna Hogg
Lorna riding Marco during an endurance ride

Finally just because I am not already busy enough, I have started helping a friend out with her lovely young Highland Pony that she drives. I have a small amount of past experience of the driving world and I rather enjoyed it so I jumped at the chance to give Rachael and Amos a wee hand to let them get some practice in. They've since got out and attended their first couple of indoor driving competitions - quite an achievement for them and the improvement from first time out to second was great to see.

Top tip for the festive season

I hope you all had a safe and stress free 5th November. With the horses I keep their routine the same as usual, I don't change what I do, or how I am with them, just carry on as I always do. They tend to live out and live in a small herd with one other mare at present. They know their field and boundaries and find their safe spots. They live under the flight path to Aberdeen Airport so are used to bright lights and noises in the sky and I think that helps a little. My top tip therefore is to stay relaxed and keep them in whatever environment they are used to.