Horse Insurance
- Over 30 years’ experience insuring horses
- We insure horses up to 25 years old for injury
illness, if insured before your horse’s 20th birthday - We can pay your vet directly

What does Petplan horse insurance cover?
Covered As Standard:
The following benefits are included in all of our horse insurance policies:
Cover for the loss of your horse by theft or straying
Protection in the sad event of your horse’s death
Legal Advice Helpline open 24 hours a day
Our flexible horse insurance policies can be further tailored to suit the individual needs of each horse.
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Optional Benefits:
When you take out a quote you can customise your cover to the benefits and cover amount that suits your needs.
Veterinary Fees Cover up to £5,000 per condition
This benefit covers the cost of veterinary treatment required to treat illness and injury, including complementary treatments specifically recommended by your vet. Each condition is covered up to the maximum Veterinary Fees limit you've selected for a period of 12 months. This benefit does not provide cover for any illness or injury that occurred before the start of the policy and an excess will apply for each unrelated illness or injury during each policy year. Choose from £3,500 (£500 excess) or £5,000 (£145 excess) per condition per policy year.
Third Party Liability Cover up to £5 million
If your horse causes damage or injury and you are legally responsible, this covers the legal costs and expenses and the claimant's compensation. An excess of £250 will apply for each unrelated incident during each policy year. Choose from £1 million, £3 million or £5 million cover per incident.
Personal Accident Cover up to £20,000
The personal accident benefit provides cover for injury or death for you, or anyone else aged 5-75 years old riding or handling your horse with your permission. We will cover up to £1,000 towards dental treatment for the rider or handler, and choose from our Standard Personal Accident Benefit, offering £10,000 cover, or our Superior Personal Accident Benefit, offering £20,000 cover, following the death or permanent disability to the rider or handler
Permanent Loss Of Use Cover up to 100% Loss of Use
If an illness or injury permanently prevents your horse participating in one of the insured activities we’ll pay your horse’s current value. You can add this cover if your horse has a sum insured of £2,000 or over, is in Activity Group 3 or higher and is aged between 2 and 16 years.
Disposal following Death Cover up to £400
This benefit pays up to £400 towards the cost to remove and dispose of your horse’s body following death or euthanasia, provided the condition that caused the horse's death would be covered within the vet fees benefit.
Cover for Saddlery and Tack Cover up to £5,000
This benefit covers your saddlery and tack in the case of damage or theft. If your saddlery and tack is stolen or destroyed, we will cover the cost to replace as brand new. If your saddlery and tack is damaged we will either pay the cost of repair or, if the repair costs are more than the item is worth, we will cover the cost to replace as brand new. In order for us to pay over £400 for an item of saddlery or tack you must have formal proof of purchase for that item (receipt or saddler's valuation). An excess of £100 will apply in the event of a claim. Choose from £1,000 to £5,000 for 12 months.
Cover for Trailer or horse-drawn vehicle Covers the cost of repair or the market value (up to the sum insured).
This benefit provides cover for your horse trailer or horse-drawn vehicle. If your vehicle is damaged, we will pay the cost of repair. If the repair costs exceed the market value, or the item is stolen or destroyed, we will pay the market value (up to the sum insured). Covers the cost of repair or the market value (up to the sum insured). Also includes £1million Third Party Liability cover for incidents involving your Horse Trailer or Horse-Drawn Vehicle.
Read more about our horse insurance cover
Details of cover
For further details about the benefits available and which are mandatory and which are optional, view our
Details of cover table.Terms and Conditions
All of our policies are subject to Terms and Conditions, we recommend you read these for full details of all the benefits and limitations of the policy.
Read our Terms & Conditions >What you need to provide
When you apply for horse insurance you may be asked to provide additional information depending on the cover that you require.
Find out more >Why not Get a Quote to review your cover options and create your tailored policy?
Why choose Petplan Equine
Petplan Equine is one of the UK’s leading equine insurers, and with over 30 years' experience insuring horses, you know you’re in really good hands.
Here are just some of the benefits of insuring your Horse with Petplan:

No hidden limits
We believe in transparency so we don't set hidden limits on our optional vet fees cover. Some insurers restrict how much they'll pay per condition, or for diagnostic tests. For expensive procedures this could leave a claim shortfall in the thousands.

Full Complementary Treatment
We don’t limit the amount that can be claimed for complementary treatments such as physiotherapy, acupuncture and specialist farriery - provided the cost is within the maximum veterinary fee benefit.

Illness Cover up to
25 years of age
While some insurers limit cover to injury only for horses aged 20 years or over, we cover illness up to 25 years of age - as long as cover is taken out before the horse’s 20th birthday.

Our simple fixed excess means
there’s no additional percentage
to pay towards your claim.
What our customers say

Petplan customer Evie shares how having lost her previous horse to colic, she was devastated to learn her beloved Valentine had to have emergency lifesaving surgery for the same condition.
Over the years Petplan has paid more than £13,000 in claims to help Valentine stay healthy, allowing Evie to do the best for Valentine without worrying about the vet bills.
Valentine & Evie’s story >
How much is horse insurance per month?
Does horse insurance cover vet bills?
Is horse insurance worth it?
What does horse insurance cover?
Horse Advice

Health and Wellbeing
For over 30 years we've been working to keep horses healthy and their owners happy so we’ve created our top tips to keeping your horse in top notch condition.
Horse health & wellbeing
Training & Competition
We’ve got all your horse training and competition information covered from cross country training to area festivals.
Training & Completion
Best Practice
Our handy guides cover everything from eventing to dressage and useful tips to help you decide if buying a horse is right for you.
Horse tips & best practiceAward Winning Horse Insurance

Defaqto is an independent rating of financial service products, analysing and rating policies on a scale of 1 to 5 based on the quality and coverage that they provide.