Monthly diary — June 2012

Lucinda Green

After Houghton, Cry Freedom joined Danny at Lissa's yard while I taught in the US. I only missed one plane but unfortunately there were no more flights that day so I drove overnight to reach my next clinic.

Back home, Lissa planned to take her young mare (previously 'Vamos' but name still uncertain due to difficulties changing her stud prefix) and her six-year-old Irish gelding 'project' cross-country training at Boomerang. The mare walked straight on the trailer but the gelding was not convinced. Once onboard, he was bucking and unhappy before we'd left the yard, despite travelling well in a lorry. So, we unloaded him and set off again.

It was magical watching the young mare, with only four showjumping rounds under her belt, thinking carefully about each new cross-country fence before taking it in her stride. Her next stop is Tweseldown Intro.

Meanwhile, we're still deciding whether Danny is a bit wimpy. After his last disappointing outing, we discovered his pelvis was 'out' - surprising given he has regularly McTimoney chiropractic treatments following his wither injury. Clearly this could explain a lot, but we can't help feeling his attitude may be the main issue. Now in fine fettle at home, his next outing to Barbury 2* will be interesting.

Excitement's mounting about the Olympics although the prospect of commentating on three disciplines is daunting. I've given myself July to learn the hundreds of competitors' details, tempting as it is to ride for hours instead. I'm going to have to knuckle down – Channel 9 is expecting me to talk for eight hours a day.

I'm going to have to knuckle down – Channel 9 is expecting me to talk for eight hours a day…

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
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