Monthly diary — November 2012

Lucinda Green

The month started well with Lissa and Raffa (Boleybourne C) heading to Aldon Pre Novice. Their dressage lessons with Annabel Scrimgeour really paid off as they broke into the twenties for the first time, before producing a lovely jumping round. Across country Lissa was delighted as Raffa really 'took' her, although the mare did try for a shortcut home at one point, which resulted in a comedy run out along a log of all things.

Ireland then beckoned for Lissa, to work on her showjumping with Marion Hughes, before going on to Germany to develop her dressage further with Bettina Hoy.

Meanwhile I took Daisy hunting, which she found terribly exciting - her tension release is standing on her back legs. Fortunately, she's very well-balanced and does it terribly calmly so I regularly found myself sitting in the sky with no great peril.

She improved each outing and on the eve of our fourth day hunting, I was trotting her up when she spooked, landing on my welly. I was sent flying minus one boot, before landing flat on my back. Daisy tried to avoid me, but stood on the underside of my bare foot, making quite a mess of it. I drove to hospital, operating the clutch with my heel, so I would be able to transport myself home again. No such luck.

The impressive gash resulted in me being whipped into theatre, followed by a two-day stay until I could master crutches. So currently I am propelling myself round the house on one leg with the other bandaged one propped on a wheelie stool…

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