Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — July 2014

Lucinda Green

Read all about what legendary eventer Lucinda Green has been up to this month.

The month began at the very moving funeral of talented young event rider Ben Winter. The service was extraordinary, held in an indoor school, with the coffin attended by a guard of honour that changed every 15 minutes - a tribute to Ben’s army background. The weight of sadness I have not felt since the loss of Diana, Princess of Wales - Ben was just such a lovely guy.

I then went to Barbury, to support Lissa, which proved a decisive day. Raffa went really well and continues to show great potential, while Daisy announced her retirement from the sport. She seems to have a tape measure and as soon as she faces slightly bigger fences, she’s not happy, and on this occasion ended up in a ditch. A new direction will be found for her. Lissa’s youngsters are also diverging - the younger one is looking good, while the older mare is proving tricky - her behaviour is difficult and we still are trying to understand the cause.

Meanwhile my son Freddie’s music career has taken a leap forward. He was asked to join rock band The Dirty Youth as their new drummer with his first gig at the Download Festival in front of 10,000 people. He’s loving it and I’m looking forward to seeing them live.

Since Cry Freedom (CF) retired I’ve been looking around for another horse but need to decide whether a youngster is the way to go - with the time that will demand and the likelihood it will buck me off - or whether to go for something older, but then it is likely to come with problems. As for CF, I have received pictures of him already regaled in a rosette for showjumping. Knowing he and his new owner are enjoying themselves helps.

Next it’s off to the World Equestrian Festival, Aachen, for no better reason than I feel like it - I’m looking forward to just enjoying myself watching.

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
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