Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — October 2014

Lucinda Green

Read all about what legendary eventer Lucinda Green has been up to this month.

I've continued to help out with Lissa’s horses since her accident. Lissa has been back in the saddle and competing (precisely six weeks after her crash) but her collar bone is not healing well so may need surgery. We’ve also had to make the tricky decision to part company with a very sweet-natured five-year-old , who has returned to her breeder. We have tried everything we can think of to make sense of her - she is a lovely athletic horse but as soon as she had been worked for a little while or had a bit of pressure put on her she seemed to ‘lose’ it. Her behaviour would become reckless and out of character. We have looked into every possible cause of pain we can think of without finding anything. We sought a variety of advice, with a number of people saying they could help, but ultimately we didn’t get any further forward. We feel hugely sad that we have not been able to identify what’s wrong so we can help her. Fortunately her breeder has been very kind and is taking her back. We will have another of his youngstock in the New Year.

Next came some clinics in California - it’s the first time I have really spent some time there. I have a lovely momento, as I was given a framed photo of myself and Regal Realm competing at the LA Olympics by a kind lady who is of a similar age and remembers the occasion as excitedly as I do. Now I’m looking forward to two months of minimal travel, other than a visit to the Austrian team. This will mean my time will still be taken up putting together complicated international travel itineries but I’ll be at home long enough to do some more serious horse-hunting and maybe find something for myself too.

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
Click here to visit Lucinda's archive

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