Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — January 2015

Lucinda Green

Read all about what legendary eventer Lucinda Green has been up to this month.

Well, that horse I liked and walked away from… I went back and bought her as a Christmas present for myself. Yes, she was too tall for my usual taste (17hh!), a little back at the knee and has a neck that isn’t perfect, but we clicked and she’s very sweet. My offer was accepted and I’m thrilled. She’s the first horse I've bought myself in all 61 years. I've called her HQ as she's by the French bred Harlequin du Carel. A dealer friend hunted her while I was in Africa and rated her, saying she has a scopey, intelligent jump. The morning I flew back from the most magical riding safari, I took her out with the Beaufort and her brilliance shone. Apparently she doesn’t like dressage (but neither do I) so we’ll see whether she stays as a hunter or makes an eventer. My instinct says she needs time off to mature and rest her growing body. Then I’ll bring her along slowly and see what emerges - I feel it could be good… I’m starting the ‘HQ Club’ with some longstanding US pupils and friends to finance our exploits and give people a little slice of the action.

Tip of the month:
Follow your heart... when choosing a horse, you can endlessly list the positives and negatives but you are never going to find THE perfect horse. If there’s a connection between you both, it may be worth listening to.

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
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