Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — October 2015

Lucinda Green

Read all about what legendary eventer Lucinda Green has been up to this month.

Lissa’s first 3*, at Blenheim, was very successful despite a wobbly start. Lissa had arranged for her trainer to be there for her dressage warm-up. Unfortunately, about 25 minutes before her test, we heard he wasn’t coming. By that point, it was too late for her usual ‘solo’ warm up, so she entered the arena feeling very unprepared. Having hoped for a few marks above her best ever score she was devastated be marked ten below her worst. Fortunately, she got on with it, and rode a superb XC – Ali was under control and loving it. Then they stormed the showjumping too, achieving their first clear round together.

Next I was off to the US to teach. A couple of the horses seemed not to be going as well as when I had seen them last year. When a horse is making a brave effort at doing what you want but somehow just isn’t coming together, it’s time to check your saddle. A quick assessment often points out possible problems.

Back in the UK, my thoughts go out to William Fox-Pitt and his family. Within two months we’ve seen two of the best riders in the world (William and Andrew Nicholson) severely injured, and a third – Michael Jung – break a leg at Burghley after falling at the water, before winning on his second horse. Since then he has taken European team and individual gold before his ankle was pinned. Surely this is enough proof that even our very best riders face risks when competing in our amazing sport – it can never be completely safe. And, even when those risks are fully understood and accepted, our passion for both our horses and the sport, drives us to continue.

Tip of the month:

Tip of the month: Simple checks can identify if your saddle may be causing you and your horse a problem:

  1. Does the pommel clear your horse’s withers by 1-2ins when you are on board?
  2. Is your saddle pad shaped for the withers? If not, it can apply pressure.
  3. When your saddle sits naturally, ungirthed, on your horse, does it look level?
  4. Does the girth straps’ angle help or hinder it sitting in the girth groove ?
  5. Run your hand under the panels from wither to back while pulling down on the girth straps – is the pressure even?

If in doubt, call in a recommended, qualified saddle fitter.

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
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