Monthly diary — September

Lucinda Green

It's said bad luck comes in threes and hopefully I've now had mine. After being spun from an event last month due to a vaccination mix up, I took Cry Freedom to Gatcombe where I lost our way in the showjumping.

So that was that, although we did still run across country at least. Then I took Bill to a Pre-Novice — and got eliminated for having wheels on my spurs. Apparently they're allowed under FEI rules but not BE rules. It was a shame as Bill has improved so much, scoring into the twenties in dressage and, after some initial spooking, really getting on with the cross-country. However, we had one unexpected outing after being called last minute to take a place that became available. As my helper was away, I plaited up for the first time in years — Bill performed well despite the cauliflowers up his neck and they just held long enough. Next, I'll be taking CF to Blair Castle for the CCI*** so fingers crossed, our luck improves. It should be fun as hopefully my daughter Lissa will be competing there in her first CCI**.

Fate has had a hand with the European team too. Sadly Sharon Hunt has withdrawn due to her horse's bruised foot, so Rodney Powell gets his first call up since Sydney. There his horse slipped on the road, falling on him, and putting them out of the competition. Since then he's been dogged by misfortune. I really hope Rodney's luck is changing too.
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