Monthly diary — March

Lucinda Green

Having barely returned from Kenya I set off to Norway for a day’s teaching – the contrast couldn’t have been more marked. Norway was under 4ft of snow with no chance of riding outdoors until May.

Then it was on to Australia and New Zealand and more dramatic weather. Eastern Australia was battling torrential rain and floods while the scorching West coast faced bushfires. Somehow I missed most of the extremes though during my stay there were tremors in Christchurch - I can only imagine what the people are now going through.

Earthquakes you can't see coming – one minute all is well and then within 45 seconds there is total devastation everywhere. Back at home, via meetings with BETA and LG Clothing, I collected Bill from Maddy Moffett in Derbyshire. They've been doing long trotting hill work and Bill's already stronger and carrying himself better.

He now needs more canter work for his wind. We're aiming for Aldon, then Belton and possibly the 2* at Houghton. This weekend I’m meeting the Austrian eventing team who have asked me to assist them qualify for the Olympics at the European Championships in August. As a country they don’t have much background in the sport but are so keen that I’m honoured and delighted to help.

They have a steep mountain to climb so we’ll see how far up we reach. In fact Olympic fever is definitely starting to bite – one or two serious horses are hitting the market as all deals must be completed by year end to stay eligible. And what with the Sunshine Tour beginning in Portugal and the start of the season around the corner, its all go.

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