Monthly diary — February 2007

Lucinda Green

What better way to start a new year than with a new horse and a holiday!

My latest 'project' is Bill, a 16.2hh brown Irishman who's rising five. I hunted him in December and couldn't resist when I heard he was for sale. He's brave, moves well, has a great jump but is very green — I'm looking forward to seeing just what he can do.

For my holiday, I went on a riding safari in Kenya - it was my sixth trip of this kind and I just love it. Africa gives you a completely different perspective. Just riding a horse you've never sat on before in difficult country teaches you so much. Then, when there are no animals around, there's the chance to venture into the bush to find jumps — usually trees the elephants have brought down. You need your wits about you and to work with your horse as there are holes, thorn bushes etc. It's the best cross-country training. It made me realise how incredibly precious we've got in this country.

In Africa, people live with danger constantly and accept it as part of life. This gives a freedom and responsibility we don't have here. In our society we are too busy worrying what might happen!

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