Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — July 2013

Lucinda Green

Read all about what legendary eventer Lucinda Green has been up to this month.

My break in Portugal was lovely – not a horse in sight. Then it was Barbury 3* with Cry Freedom. We hacked from our lodgings but when it came to working in CF was impossibly excited.

Fortunately, in the arena, he settled and tried and, despite losing the way, we broke into the 50s. In the showjumping he was still buzzing and had four down but XC he was like a bird - thrilling at this level. Lissa could also celebrate after a double clear in the 2* on Destiny, though Jack’s dislike of skinnies showed again with a run out – we think he takes a while to ‘see’ a fence.

Then, on my teaching trip to Hamburg I came across some great jump stands for skinny fences which I haven’t seen in the UK. I’ve ordered some for my clinics and for working at home.

Next it was Petplan Equine’s 25th birthday celebrations in London. As part of the day we enjoyed talks by former PPE ‘Vet of the Year’ Gil Riley, which were illustrated with a wonderful larger-then-life model of the horse’s digestive system made from household items. The rugby ball stomach, vacuum cleaner pipe large intestine and spacehopper caecum among other bits, really brought to life the things we should all know about colic, ulcers and worming. Look out for the model at Hickstead.

Now I’m off to the Rural Rider European Championships in Austria to help the Austrian team. They won the biennial 2* event last time but this year lameness issues have affected their line-up. So fingers crossed and we’ll see how it goes…

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
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