Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — May 2013

Lucinda Green

Horse profile
CF and I completed two Advanced events - which couldn’t have been more different. First came Withington with the most enormous showjumping course. I felt it didn’t set combinations up for a confident cross-country.

With CF’s erratic showjumping I didn’t expect to get far but then he had just two down - there’s just no rationale, or at least I haven’t discovered it. Cross-country he was hideously strong as I made the mistake of trying him in a Flash noseband instead of our usual cross-over. What a difference a noseband can make. Lissa didn’t fare much better on Jack with run outs at the water and a combination of skinnies. I realised too late that none of us had followed the advice I always give at clinics - cross-country needs practise too.

Then it was Chatsworth CIC3* with a change of tactics for CF. It’s a lovely event and though the fences were more manageable, the arena atmosphere was electric. With CF in a high cheek Mexican Grakle, I rode him screwed together rather than let him slip into his natural greyhound mode. It was hard and ugly but paid off with only two down instead of our usual three. The cross-country was his best ever. CF amazes me - he’s 17 but still teaches me so much and pulls up athletic and loose.

As for Lissa, she downgraded Jack to the 1* but he still didn’t connect and had another run out. We’ve since XC schooled him in a double bridle and that seemed better.

Then it was back to teaching but this time for the Petplan training video - it will go out in six episodes on Horse & Country TV.

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