Lucinda Green

Monthly diary — August 2015

Lucinda Green

Read all about what legendary eventer Lucinda Green has been up to this month.

Despite trying a couple of horses, I haven’t yet found anything that fits the bill. However, Lissa is going from strength to strength with Ali – the advanced horse who squished her quite badly a year ago. The more work Ali gets on the flat, the better his cross-country, and Lissa is loving developing at a higher level. Excitingly, they have now qualified for Blenheim.

I have had a few days teaching in the UK and then set off to Aachen for a busman’s holiday at the FEI European Championships. There’s nothing else like it as it brings together the very best riders in the world to battle for European Championships in reining, dressage, show jumping, driving and vaulting, plus there’s a 3* team event for eventers. Aachen's timetable is the Crown Jewels of equestrianism.

The cross-country course walked even easier than last year’s but caught out a surprising number of riders. An angled two-stride brush double looked straightforward, but many people (me included) had overlooked the mind set the horse (and rider) would be in after the previous four galloping fences. The designer did his job beautifully. The ground was perfect and weather great – until just as I left...

Back home, we’re in for a busy month with lots of events coming thick and fast. I’m hoping my one Austrian rider will make it to the Europeans at Blair – fingers crossed.

Tip of the month:
Avoid using studs unless absolutely essential as they interfere with the natural slippage of the foot, increasing the chance of jarring. Horses need to learn to cope with different going and how to regain their balance. When I have used studs, I’ve fitted one outside one per hoof. This allows the foot to turn freely and prevents injury to the opposite leg.

Don't forget to visit the archive to find out what Lucinda and Lissa have been up to in past months.
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