Horse Liability Insurance
Cover Benefits
Third Party Liability
The simplest way to understand this is to think of the first party as the policyholder and the second party as the insurance company. The third party is anyone else who has been injured or whose property has been damaged. The injury or damage must result from the use of the horse or trailer/horse drawn carriage that is insured.
Your home contents insurance may give third party insurance for an incident that happens while you are riding or looking after your horse. However, you should check that your household policies do provide this cover as not all do.
It is unlikely that home contents insurance will include anyone who is not a member of your family, or permanently living with you, if they cause injury or damage to someone else's property while they are riding or looking after your horse.
Membership of a horse society or riding association may also include Third Party insurance. This may be limited to the time you are riding your horse at their events, so you should read the cover carefully to make sure that it includes any incident that could happen as a result of riding, handling or looking after your horse.
You should not admit any responsibility, agree to pay any claim or negotiate with any other person after any incident. You should contact your insurance company and allow them to take charge of your claim, send them any writ, summons or legal documents you receive and allow them to reply on your behalf.
Most insurance companies will cover anyone riding, leading or handling your horse with your permission if this person causes injury or damage to another person or their property, unless the horse is being used for business or professional purposes, eg. lessons in a riding school. However you should check this with the insurer.