Signs your horse is happy
What are the signs your horse is happy? It's important to be aware of what they’re communicating, whether they’re in the field, stable or under saddle.
Is your horse happy?
Above all else, every responsible horse owner wants a healthy horse – because a healthy horse is a happy horse, right? While this is usually true, there can be more to it than that.
Once your horse has everything they need to flourish, it’s time to think about their behaviour. Whatever life stage they are at, analysing and monitoring your horse’s behaviour can give you an insight into how they’re feeling daily and how this changes over time.
Signs that your horse is happy
1. They’re relaxed
Horses are prey animals, so in general a relaxed horse is a happy horse.
Consider their general demeanour and body language, but pay special attention to their nostrils, mouth and tail. Relaxed nostrils and lips are good signs – even better if your horse is allowing their lower lip to droop – as is a tail that sits loose and straight when still, but swings freely and easily as your horse moves.
2. Their ears are still
A horse’s ears are rarely static as they’re constantly searching for sounds.
If your horse’s ears are pinned back or flicking around, it usually suggests that they’re in a heightened state of alertness and anxiety. Usually, if your horse’s ears are turned to the side or behind them – without being flat back – they’re likely to be relaxed.
3. They’re pooping normally
While a horse’s poo can be a window into their digestive health, it can also be a sign of their mental state.
When horses are anxious or stressed, they may pass droppings that are softer and more frequent.
4. They’re grazing happily
As prey animals, horses will always make sure they’re aware of potential dangers.
However, this shouldn’t take up all of their attention and cause them to be hyper-aware, so a grazing horse’s primary focus should be on what they’re eating.
5. They neigh and snort
Some horses are naturally noisier than others but in general, a soft whicker is a sign of a happy, relaxed horse.
A gentle snort is also a sign of relaxation – you might notice this once your horse has relaxed into your ride.
6. They’re comfortable in company
If you spot your horse grooming a field mate and receiving the same attention, this is a great sign. Horses are social animals and if they’re getting along with their neighbours, this is a real positive.
How to keep your horse happy
In short, keeping a horse happy can be simply summed up by the three Fs – food, freedom and friends. As you get to know your horse over time, you’ll be able to tell whether your horse is happy or whether they’re showing signs of poor health with a quick glance. You’ll be able to tell the difference between a happy horse feeling relaxed enough to roll and a horse who might be rolling in discomfort. You might even be able to tune into the friendly whicker your horse greets you with as you walk across the yard – and it will be music to your ears.
To maintain this, ensure your horse always has everything they need to remain healthy and feel safe from harm in their home. You can then spend time bonding with them so that you learn what they value most. Some horses will particularly appreciate a good grooming session from you, while others will enjoy the company of a field mate.
Just be careful not to overindulge your horse in some of the things that make them happy – while treats may give them a short boost, they may affect their health in the long term.
How do you keep your horse happy? Head to our Facebook page and share your tips in the comments.